Monday, November 16, 2009

A Criminal Trial for K.S.M.

On November 13, 2009, it was announced that K.S.M.-the moniker given to terrorist strategist Khalid Shaikh Mohammed- and four of his co-conspirators will be tried in a New York courtroom.

Mohammed is the self-proclaimed mastermind of the series of terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

Despite the arguments of others, I believe this form of attempted-and hopefully successful-prosecution of these men full of hatred towards the United States.

I believe that the conviction of Khalid and Company is inevitable. Any jury consisting of Americans with conscience will be biased towards this band of ill doers. These men caused the death of over 3,000 Americans in the Twin Tower attacks. Also, during March 0f 2003, Mohammed was subjected to 183 instances of waterboarding torture. He confessed to all of his ties to terrorism and the Al-Qaeda. Not only his acts of terror, Khalid also confessed to himself decapitating journalist Daniel Pearl-a justification to the choice of a criminal trial.

While it is likely that the evidence collected at Guantanamo Bay may be stricken from the trial, its effect will cast shadows of doubt in the reasoning minds of the jury. Though stricken, it is quite hard to forget such crucial 'evidence'.

Despite my predictions of easy conviction, this trial will cast a light of justice and fairness on the United States. Says criminal lawyer Joshua Dratel, "It will be a victory for the system of justice and rule of law." This less dictorial trial would make the U.S. seem less cruel and more fair. Therefore, the hated U.S. may seem less evil in the eyes of the Middle East as we have shown tolerance on their beloved jihadist hero.

However, this tolerant trial is quite a risk taken by the Obama administration. There is a chance that much the trial will become a unending source of military information to the Al-Qaeda. Former Bush lawyer John Yoo writes, "trying K.S.M. in civilian court will be an intelligence bonanza for Al-Qaeda and the hostile nations that will view the U. S. intelligence methods and sources that such a trial will reveal."

Though I know heavy risks are entailed, I believe the benefits of the reshaping of the American image through this trial outweigh them. It is crucial that the American government gain more allies in the Middle East.

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